Commit b49e302d by arun.uday


# Default ignored files
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectModuleManager">
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/task9senderredis.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/task9senderredis.iml" />
\ No newline at end of file
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<module type="PYTHON_MODULE" version="4">
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
# using mongo aggregation operations
import uvicorn
# starting the application
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Redis task")"", port=8000)
# pip install python-multipart
base_path = scripts/
sub_path = temp/
file_name_json = data.json
topic = receptionist
mqtt_host =
port = 1883
requests = 60
redis_host =
db_queue_doctor = 0
db_patient_detail = 1
no_doctors = /no_doctors/
close_day = /close_day/
patient_details = /patient_details/
# reading conf file
import configparser
config = configparser.RawConfigParser()"conf/applications.conf")
# api paths
doctors_count = config.get("api_path", "no_doctors")
close_day = config.get("api_path", "close_day")
patient_details = config.get("api_path", "patient_details")
# reading conf file
import configparser
config = configparser.RawConfigParser()"conf/applications.conf")
# path
base_path = config.get("path", 'base_path')
sub_path = config.get("path", "sub_path")
# file name
file_name_json = config.get("file", "file_name_json")
full_path_json = base_path + sub_path + file_name_json
# mqtt
topic_name = config.get("mqtt", "topic")
mqtt_host = config.get("mqtt", "mqtt_host")
port = config.get("mqtt", "port")
request_no = config.get("mqtt", "requests")
# redis
redis_host = config.get("redis_db", "redis_host")
db_queue_doctor = config.get("redis_db", "db_queue_doctor")
db_patient_detail = config.get("redis_db", "db_patient_detail")
# redis db connection
import redis
from scripts.config import applications_config
# db for the doctors queue
conn_queue = redis.Redis(applications_config.redis_host, db=applications_config.db_queue_doctor)
# db for the patient
conn_patient = redis.Redis(applications_config.redis_host, db=applications_config.db_patient_detail)
# model for the patient
from pydantic import BaseModel
# patient model
class Patient(BaseModel):
patient_id: str
description: str
age: int
name: str
from scripts.core.handlers.next_doc_existing import assign_doc_exist
from scripts.core.handlers.queue_check import set_patient_queue
# check if the patient exists in the redis db
def patient_data_check(conn_queue, conn_patient, client, dict_data, doctors_counter):
# check if the patient data exists in the db
if not conn_patient.exists(dict_data['patient_id']):
# decoding the next doc queue
next_doc = int(conn_queue.get('next_doc').decode())
set_patient_queue(conn_queue, conn_patient, client, dict_data, next_doc, doctors_counter)
assign_doc_exist(conn_queue, conn_patient, client, dict_data)
# generating the patient details
def generate_patients(model_data):
# generating the user data to dictionary
dict_val = dict(model_data)
return dict_val
# assigning the doctors to new patients
def assign_new_doctor(conn_queue, conn_patient, client, dict_data, next_doc):
# updating the patient details with doctor id
dict_data.update({"doctor": f'doctor{next_doc}'})
# update the db with new data
conn_patient.hmset(dict_data['patient_id'], dict_data)
# set the patient to the doctors queue
conn_queue.set(f'doctor{next_doc}', dict_data['patient_id'])
# publish the doctor
client.publish(f'doctor{next_doc}', dict_data['patient_id'])
# assigning existing patients to the doctors
def assign_doc_exist(conn_queue, conn_patient, client, dict_data):
# getting the doctor id from the patient db
doctor = conn_patient.hmget(dict_data['patient_id'], 'doctor')
# updating the doctors queue
conn_queue.set(doctor[0].decode(), dict_data['patient_id'])
# publishing the doctor
client.publish(doctor[0].decode(), dict_data['patient_id'])
from scripts.core.handlers.next_doc_assign import assign_new_doctor
# creating a round-robin for the new patient for the doctor
def set_patient_queue(conn_queue, conn_patient, client, dict_data, next_doc, doctors_counter):
# check if the next doctor is not the last index
if int(next_doc) != doctors_counter:
avi_doc = conn_queue.get(f'doctor{next_doc}')
# check if the doctor queue is empty
if avi_doc == b'':
assign_new_doctor(conn_queue, conn_patient, client, dict_data, next_doc)
conn_queue.set('next_doc', next_doc + 1)
conn_queue.set('next_doc', 0)
# setting the doctors queue empty
for doctors in range(0, doctors_counter):
conn_queue.set(f'doctor{doctors}', '')
# assigning new doctor to the patient
assign_new_doctor(conn_queue, conn_patient, client, dict_data, 0)
conn_queue.set('next_doc', 1)
from fastapi import FastAPI
from scripts.config import api_path_config
from scripts.config.applications_config import mqtt_host, port
from scripts.core.database.redis_db import conn_queue, conn_patient
from scripts.core.engine.models.patient_model import Patient
from paho.mqtt.client import Client
from scripts.core.handlers.check_patient import patient_data_check
from scripts.core.handlers.generating_patient_data import generate_patients
# count the number of doctors for the day
doctors_counter = 0
app = FastAPI()
# generating the doctors for the day
def get_doctors(no_doctors: int):
global doctors_counter
doctors_counter += no_doctors
# entering the number of doctors in to the redis db
conn_queue.set("Doctors", no_doctors)
# creating the queue for doctors if it doesn't exist
for doctors in range(0, no_doctors):
if not conn_queue.exists(f'doctor{doctors}'):
conn_queue.set(f'doctor{doctors}', '')
except Exception as e:
return "Doctors queue created"
# closing the doctors for the day
def get_doctors():
global doctors_counter
# deleting the queue
for doctors in range(0, doctors_counter):
if not conn_queue.exists(f'doctor{doctors}'):
# delete doctors
conn_queue.set('next_doc', 0)
doctors_counter -= 1
except Exception as e:
return "Doctors deleted"
# getting the producing the patient details for the consumer
def patient_data(body: Patient):
global doctors_counter
# getting the patient details from the user
patient_data_val = Patient(patient_id=body.patient_id, description=body.description,
client = Client()
# creating the paho client to listen to the port
client.connect(mqtt_host, int(port))
def on_connect(client_id, userdata, flags, rc):
print("Connected with result code " + str(rc), client_id, userdata, flags)
client.on_connect = on_connect
# generating the patients
dict_data = generate_patients(patient_data_val)
# checking if the next doctor queue exists
if not conn_queue.exists('next_doc'):
conn_queue.set('next_doc', 0)
# checking the patient datas in the db for the queue
patient_data_check(conn_queue, conn_patient, client, dict_data, doctors_counter)
except Exception as e:
return "Doctor assigned patient"
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