Commit 151e1270 by arun.uday


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import uvicorn
from scripts.config.applications_config import uvicorn_host, uvicorn_port
# starting the application
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("redis MQTT task")"", host=uvicorn_host, port=int(uvicorn_port))
base_path = scripts/
sub_path = temp/
topic = receptionist
mqtt_host =
port = 1883
requests = 60
uvicorn_host =
uvicorn_port = 8001
# database servers
mongodb = mongodb://localhost:27017
redis_host =
import configparser
config = configparser.RawConfigParser()"conf/application.conf")
# path
base_path = config.get("path", 'base_path')
sub_path = config.get("path", "sub_path")
# mqtt
topic_name = config.get("mqtt", "topic")
mqtt_host = config.get("mqtt", "mqtt_host")
port = config.get("mqtt", "port")
request_no = config.get("mqtt", "requests")
# db connection
client_connect = config.get("connection", "mongodb")
# uvicorn
uvicorn_host = config.get("uvicorn", "uvicorn_host")
uvicorn_port = config.get("uvicorn", "uvicorn_port")
# redis
redis_host = config.get("redis_db", "redis_host")
# connecting to the redis
import redis
from scripts.config.applications_config import redis_host
conn = redis.Redis(redis_host)
# get the doctor topics to subscribe
def read_doctors(conn, client_name):
no_doctors = conn.get("Doctors")
doctors_list = []
for doctors in range(0, int(no_doctors)):
tup_doctors = ('doctor' + str(doctors), 0)
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
from fastapi import FastAPI
from scripts.config.applications_config import mqtt_host, port, request_no
from scripts.core.engine.redis_db import conn
from scripts.core.handlers.reading_doctors import read_doctors
# This is the Subscriber
app = FastAPI()
# subscribing to the doctor topics and getting the messages
def receiver():
# subscribe to the doctor topics
def on_connect(client_name, userdata, flags, rc):
print(userdata, " ", flags)
print("Connected with result code " + str(rc))
read_doctors(conn, client_name)
# printing the messages
def on_message(client_name, userdata, msg):
print(client_name, " ", userdata)
# decoding the msg to string
payload_decoded = msg.payload.decode('utf-8')
print(msg.topic, "assigned to", payload_decoded)
# creating the paho client for mqtt
client = mqtt.Client()
client.connect(mqtt_host, int(port), int(request_no))
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.on_message = on_message
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